Why can't I log in to hoopla or borrow items from it?
Last Updated: Dec 21, 2020 Views: 23502

Log in to hoopla with:

  • your email address
  • the password you created when you signed up for hoopla (it is at least 8 characters and is not the same thing as your library PIN).
  • Note: If you need to reset your hoopla password, click "Forgot your password?" below the password box.


When you're logged in, you may get the following error message when you try to borrow an item:

Yikes! Something is wrong with your library card or PIN. Please double check your info and if you still have issues contact your local library for support.

You will see this message if:

  1. You have more than $10 in fees on your account.
  2. Your library card number or your library PIN has changed. Check this by going to your Library Settings in hoopla:
  • From the Hoopla website: Log in and click Settings in the upper right. Click Library Settings.
  • From the iOS app: Tap the Settings icon in the upper-right corner. Tap Library Settings.
  • From the Android app: Tap the Menu icon in the upper-right corner. Tap Settings.

Once there:

  • Confirm you have selected Topeka & Shawnee County Library.
  • Reenter your library card number and PIN.
  • Click SAVE.


If you've updated your settings and still can't borrow from hoopla:

  1. Log out of hoopla.
  2. If you're using the app, delete the app and reinstall it.
  3. Call the library for further troubleshooting.

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