What do I need to use the computers at the Library?
Last Updated: May 09, 2024 Views: 82

  • Customers with a valid library card may use computers in the library for up to five (5) hours each day.
  • All of our computers are managed by software to ensure everyone has fair and equal access to library computers.
  • When you log in to a computer with your library card barcode and PIN, the computer keeps track of time for you. You may use up to 5 hours per day (all at once, or in several sessions). An on-screen timer will help you keep track of your available time.
  • Anytime you are asked for your barcode you need to enter all 14 digits without any spaces. Your PIN is a 4 digit number. Forgot your PIN?

All residents within our reciprocal borrowing area are encouraged to apply for a TSCPL library card. Visitors to our library who are not eligible for a library card may obtain a guest pass at the Customer Service Desk to access the computers for 1 hour. Guest passes are issued on an individual, daily basis.

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